Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Saturn and the Moon Matrix

I'm a big fan of crackpot conspiracy theories and this is the wildest of all, so far. David Icke theorizes that Saturn's rings are a kind of broadcasting antenna for a gigantic gaseous alien intelligence that bounces signals off the moon to hypnotize humanity into entering a digital matrix controlled by the multidimensional reptilian alien conglomerate known as Archons. This connects a bunch of very true dots that don't make sense on their own, if you have a truly inquiring mind. Believing it or not hardly seems relevant. It's so gonzo that its proponents: Icke, Enoch, the Gnostics, Mayans and other ancient astrologers just might be right. Something's going on, that's for sure. And there's no sweeter spot on human culture than myth. It's truer than the truth, even when presented in its fictitious guises.