Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hawking's Speculation Vs. Real Truth About Aliens!

Now first off, I love Stephen Hawking and think it's great he's warning us not to talk to them in a show about aliens. However, I'm shocked at the way the whole show--at least in its promos--fails even to mention or address the huge body of evidence that not only have we been visited by aliens in ancient times, but that we're still invaded, even occupied, even enslaved on some cosmic frequency, to the soul harvesting experimentation of the grays, while we await the cosmic shift and the arrival of the Pleiadians and all that 2012 jazz. Instead these scientist look at SETI, and wonder if alien life might be giant microbes in space, etc., yeah, dudes, by now you should realize that the universe is infinite and not only can all these variations exist, but you create them just by thinking about them! Somewhere a giant space amoeba is being eaten! Won't you please help?

Science has a very bizarre "see no evil" policy towards that which it dubs fringe science or paranormal research. Once mainstream science dumps you into these categories, it will never believe a word you say. The scientist sit there and wait for evidence, yet the evidence is overwhelming and all around. So there's something deeper at work here. It's denial of any theorem of reality that might negate any of their findings or the feeling that "We're Number One!" You can see it for example in the way parents will REFUSE to believe their own children on a subject, instead basing their unshakable opinions on anything they may read in the paper or hear over the water cooler. Their kids could tell them their house is on fire and they'd be written off as little liars until the smoke choked them and beams started crashing down on their heads, then the parents go "suddenly I remember reading in USA Today that my house is on fire," - and they can leave - anything but admit their own kids may know something they don't.

I believe ancient astronauts visited us in the past, but at the same time I feel a kind of instilled resistance, based no doubt on my education which was a public school trip through a cosmos in which we're all alone but... maybe one day soon a visitor will land on the White House lawn with presents for all. I can only imagine how much harder the ancient astronaut theory must be to accept for someone who's about to finally after years of work and countless grants earn, say, a doctorate in astronomy!

And then there's things like sleep paralysis and hallucinations; science is missing a fascinating opportunity to study the bedrock of reality and perception by delving more into the nature of hallucinations and visions rather than just dismissing them as "not real." If the doors of perception were truly and completely cleansed, I believe we'd see a lot of beings from a lot of different dimensions intersecting with ours in ways so perfectly intertwined its beyond our comprehension.

After all, humans are very complicated machines and we existed long before western science came along and broke us down into organs and glands. The much older eastern science, like Chinese medicine, sees humans more in terms of energy flow, a model western science, which like a wiz kid infant compared to the wise old sage of Chinese medicine, is only now reluctantly accepting.

So while I respect western science, I don't respect its closed-minded know-it-all bullying, the way it doesn't respect anything outside its own borders. Since it only believes in things it can measure and experience directly, it shuts out 80% of "the real"... i.e. right brain associative non-linear Dionysian abstract thinking vs. left brain logocentric positivism and empirical deduction. Western science has convinced itself it has the whole picture, even as it regularly reverses its theorems and deductions. Meanwhile ancient astronaut theory, UFOlogy, witness testimony, crop circles, demonology, astrology, etc. is all thrown out of "serious academic consideration" - largely due to peer pressure in the scientific community, and fear we may find out too much, guilt by association with the "lunatic fringe." That is, until they're forced by consistent results, or one or two brave researchers (like Rick Strassman or Terence McKenna) to reconsider, as in the way acupuncture and eastern medicine has slowly and reluctantly been admitted into hospitals and insurance coverage.

I was thrilled to read of a scientist in the same article noting that alien life to us might be as hard to imagine as quantum theory is for a dog. I use the same analogy all the time! Though I always said "like a dog trying to understand math by chewing up a text book." Western science needs to learn that wild free-form speculation and theory shouldn't be shamed and condemned just because some of the speculators are total flakes. They shouldn't be scared if people "want to believe" in something science prefers, by inclination, to doubt, just because they're scared people will use it as an excuse not to care about the planet (i.e. "Left Behind").

Western science needs to not start barking and biting at the very notion of something being it doesn't understand and can't measure outside its own parameters. Rather, western science should take a hard look in the mirror at itself before it judges the rest of us as flakes and crackpots. At least we admit we don't know what's going on, and we stay open to new evidence and ideas. One can live a great life without believing or disbelieving in anything (ala Sherlock Holmes or Charles Fort). Keep an open mind. Nothing is true or false except in our perceptions. Ask any doctor who's seen the effectiveness of placebos and prayer on terminal illness. The Bud Hopkins or Whitley Strieber of today might be the Galileo or Copernicus of tomorrow.

Scientists need to ask themselves if they want to go down in history as exactly what they once fought against, i.e. hostile ignorance from the power elite against any form of change, or as cutting edge researchers for whom any evidence is interesting, even science fiction. Remember, in a universe that is vast beyond our imagination it's probable there's an actual planet out there somewhere (or in here somewhere) with a million monkeys at a million typewriters, clacking our very universe into existence.

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